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    1. Бледное пламя. Комментарии (страница 8)
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 1кб.
    2. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава первая. Пункты VI - XVI
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 69кб.
    3. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. TV-13 NY, 1965 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.
    4. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 72кб.
    5. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter five
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    6. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1971-72 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
    7. The female of lycaeides sublivens nab
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
    8. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава пятая. Пункты XXVII - XLV
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 67кб.
    9. Articles about butterflies
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 35кб.

    Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

    1. Бледное пламя. Комментарии (страница 8)
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 1кб.
    2. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава первая. Пункты VI - XVI
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 69кб.
    Часть текста: первая. Пункты VI - XVI VI Латынь из моды вышла ныне: Так, если правду вам сказать, Он знал довольно по-латыни, 4 Чтоб эпиграфы разбирать, Потолковать об Ювенале, В конце письма поставить vale, Да помнил, хоть не без греха, 8 Из Энеиды два стиха. Он рыться не имел охоты В хронологической пыли Бытописания земли; 12 Но дней минувших анекдоты, От Ромула до наших дней, Хранил он в памяти своей. 1—4 Эти строки можно истолковать двояко; либо (1) «так как латынь устарела, неудивительно, что Онегин мог всего лишь разбирать эпиграфы» и т. д. (и в этом случае так будет означать «таким образом», «следовательно»); либо (2) «хотя латынь вышла из моды, он все же умел разбирать эпиграфы» и т. д. Первый вариант мне представляется бессмысленным. Какими бы скудными ни были познания Онегина в избитых латинских цитатах, они скорее противопоставление, нежели результат исходной ситуации; второй, правильный с моей точки зрения, вариант не лишен юмора «Латынь устарела, но, хотите верьте, хотите нет, он и впрямь мог расшифровывать затертые эпиграфы и беседовать о Ювенале [во французском переводе]!» Отклик этой иронии есть в VIII, 1–2: Всего, что знал еще Евгений, Пересказать мне недосуг. Один из эпиграфов, которые он мог разбирать, открывает вторую главу. 3 Он знал довольно по-латыне… — Должно быть латыни. 5 Потолковать об Ювенале… — Пушкин использовал этот же глагол (несовершенного вида, в 3-м л ед. ч. — толковал) как рифму к Ювенал в своем первом опубликованном стихотворении «К другу стихотворцу» (1814). В 1787 г. Лагарп в своем труде «Лицей, или Курс древней и современной литературы» («Lycée, ou Cours de littérature ancienne et moderne». Paris, 1799–1805, vol II, p....
    3. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. TV-13 NY, 1965 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.
    Часть текста: г. TV-13 NY [1965] In September, 1965, Robert Hughes visited me here to make a filmed interview for the Television 13 Educational Program in New York. At our initial meetings I read from prepared cards, and this part of the interview is given below. The rest, represented by some fifty pages typed from the tape, is too colloquial and rambling to suit the scheme of the present book. As with Gogol and even James Agйe, there is occasionally confusion about the pronunciation of your last name. How does one pronounce it correctly? It is indeed a tricky name. It is often misspelt, because the eye tends to regard the "a" of the first syllable as a misprint and then tries to restore the symmetrical sequence by triplicating the "o"-- filling up the row of circles, so to speak, as in a game of crosses and naughts. No-bow-cough. How ugly, how wrong. Every author whose name is fairly often mentioned in periodicals develops a bird-watcher's or caterpillar-picker's knack when scanning an article. But in my case I always get caught by the word "nobody" when capitalized at the beginning of a sentence. As to pronunciation, Frenchmen of course say Nabokoff, with the accent on the last ...
    4. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 72кб.
    Часть текста: light inspirations,   unripe and withered years, 16  the intellect's cold observations,   and the heart's sorrowful remarks. CHAPTER ONE To live it hurries and to feel it hastes. Prince Vyazemski I   “My uncle has most honest principles:   when he was taken gravely ill,   he forced one to respect him   4  and nothing better could invent.   To others his example is a lesson;   but, good God, what a bore to sit   by a sick person day and night, not stirring   8  a step away!   What base perfidiousness   to entertain one half-alive,   adjust for him his pillows, 12  sadly serve him his medicine,   sigh — and think inwardly   when will the devil take you?” II   Thus a young scapegrace thought   as with post horses in the dust he flew,   by the most lofty will of Zeus   4  the heir of all his kin.   Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan!   The hero of my novel,   without preambles, forthwith,   8  I'd like to have you meet:   Onegin, a good pal...
    5. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter five
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    Часть текста: second. Waking early,   Tatiana from the window saw   at morn the whitened yard,   8  flower beds, roofs, and fence;   delicate patterns on the panes;   the trees in winter silver,   gay magpies outside, 12  and the hills softly overspread   with winter's brilliant carpeting.   All's bright, all's white around. II   Winter! The peasant, celebrating,   in a flat sledge inaugurates the track;   his naggy, having sensed the snow,   4  shambles at something like a trot.   Plowing up fluffy furrows,   a bold kibitka flies:   the driver sits upon his box   8  in sheepskin coat, red-sashed.   Here runs about a household lad,   upon a hand sled having seated “blackie,”   having transformed himself into the steed; 12  the scamp already has frozen a finger.   He finds it both painful and funny — while   his mother, from the window, threatens him... III   But, maybe, pictures of this kind   will not attract you;   all this is lowly nature;   4  there is not much refinement here.   Warmed by the god of inspiration,   another poet in...
    6. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1971-72 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
    Часть текста: and beautifully bound Ahnentafel, given me on my seventieth birthday by my German publisher Heinrich Maria Ledig-RowohIt. ON TIME AND ITS TEXTURE We can imagine all kinds of time, such as for example "applied time"-- time applied to events, which we measure by means of clocks and calendars; but those types of time are inevitably tainted by our notion of space, spatial succession, stretches and sections of space. When we speak of the "passage of time," we visualize an abstract river flowing through a generalized landscape. Applied time, measurable illusions of time, are useful for the purposes of historians or physicists, they do not interest me, and they did not interest my creature Van Veen in Part Four of my Ada. He and I in that book attempt to examine the essence of Time, not its lapse. Van mentions the possibility of being "an amateur of Time, an epicure of duration," of being able to delight sensually in the texture of time, "in its stuff and spread, in the fall of its folds, in the very impalpability of its grayish gauze, in the coolness of its continuum." He also is aware that "Time is a fluid medium for the culture of metaphors." Time, though akin to rhythm, is not simply rhythm, which would imply motion-- and Time...
    7. The female of lycaeides sublivens nab
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    Часть текста: San Miguel County, Colorado, in order to search for the unknown female of what I had described as Lycaeides argyrognomon sublivens in 1949 (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 101: p. 513) on the strength of nine males in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, which had been taken in the vicinity of Telluride half a century ago. L. sublivens is an isolated southern representative (the only known one south of northwestern Wyoming, southeast of Idaho, and east of California) of the species (the holarctic argyrognomon Berg str.=idas auct.) to which anna Edw., scudderi Edw., aster Edw., and six other nearctic subspecies belong. I bungled my family's vacation but got what I wanted. Owing to rains and floods, especially noticeable in Kansas, most of the drive from New York State to Colorado was entomologically uneventful. When reached at last, Telluride turned out to be a damp, unfrequented, but very spectacular cul-de-sac (which a prodigious rainbow straddied every evening) at the end of two converging roads, one from Placerville, the other from Dolores, both atrocious. There is one motel, the optimistic and excellent Valley View Court where my wife and I stayed, at 9,000 feet altitude, from the 3rd to the 29th of July, walking up daily to at least 12,000 feet along various more or less steep trails in search of sublivens. Once or twice Mr. Homer Reid of Telluride took us up in his jeep. Every morning the sky would be of an impeccable blue at 6 a. m. when I set out. The first innocent cloudlet would scud across at 7: 30 a. m. Bigger fellows with darker bellies would start tampering with the sun around 9 a. m., just as we emerged from the shadow of the cliffs and trees onto good hunting grounds. Everything would be cold and gloomy half an hour later. At around ...
    8. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава пятая. Пункты XXVII - XLV
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 67кб.
    Часть текста: аналогичная французскому — gosier), от которого, в свою очередь, происходит глагол «горланить» (или «харлить»), означающий «кричать изо всех сил» («à plein gosier» [635] ): And with Pamphilus Throttle's family Also arrived the Frenchman Trick, A wit, come recently from Tambov, With spectacles and red perwick как получилось у меня, когда предпринял я первую, порочную попытку (1950) перевести ЕО рифмованными стихами. 6 …куплет. — Не «couplet» (рифмованное двустишие, термин из практики английского стихосложения), а строфа в несколько строк, иногда с рефреном. Пушкин называл куплетами даже строфы ЕО. Здесь употребление французское (см. также коммент. к гл. 4, XXXV, 8). 8—13 Réveillez-vous, belle endormie… belle Nina… [636] — Забавно, что в некотором смысле Татьяна и есть эта спящая красавица, и она не вполне пробудилась от своего волшебного сна, предвестника этих гротескных гостей. Здесь имеется в виду одно из многих подражаний «Спящей красавице» («La Belle Dormeuse», ок. 1710 г.), приписываемое Шарлю Ривьеру Дюфрени (Charles Rivière Dufresny, 1648–1724), который (согласно Филоксене...
    9. Articles about butterflies
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 35кб.
    Часть текста: Last summer (1951) I decided to visit Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, in order to search for the unknown female of what I had described as Lycaeides argyrognomon sublivens in 1949 (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 101: p. 513) on the strength of nine males in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, which had been taken in the vicinity of Telluride half a century ago. L. sublivens is an isolated southern representative (the only known one south of northwestern Wyoming, southeast of Idaho, and east of California) of the species (the holarctic argyrognomon Berg str.=idas auct.) to which anna Edw., scudderi Edw., aster Edw., and six other nearctic subspecies belong. I bungled my family's vacation but got what I wanted. Owing to rains and floods, especially noticeable in Kansas, most of the drive from New York State to Colorado was entomologically uneventful. When reached at last, Telluride turned out to be a damp, unfrequented, but very spectacular cul-de-sac (which a prodigious rainbow straddied every evening) at the end of two converging roads, one from Placerville, the other from Dolores, both atrocious. There is one motel, the optimistic and excellent Valley View Court where my wife and I stayed, at 9,000 feet altitude, from the 3rd to the 29th of July, walking up daily to at least 12,000 feet along various more or less steep trails in search of sublivens. Once or twice Mr. Homer Reid of Telluride took us up in his jeep. Every morning the sky would be of an impeccable blue at 6 a. m. when I set out. The first innocent cloudlet would scud across at...