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Cлово "WINDS"

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1. The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg (перевод Набокова)
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2. Forget Lolita - let's hear it for lepidoptery...
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3. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Примечания)
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4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Sunday Times, 1969 г.
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5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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6. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter two
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7. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 25)
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8. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 2
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1. The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg (перевод Набокова)
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Часть текста: To be sure, brothers, Boyan did not [really] set ten falcons upon a flock of swans: his own vatic fingers he laid on the live strings,   which then twanged out by themselves a paean to princes. So let us begin, brothers, this tale- from Vladimir of yore to nowadays Igor. who girded his mind with fortitude, and sharpened his heart with manliness; [thus] imbued with the spirit of arms, he led his brave troops against the Kuman land in the name of the Russian land. Boyan apostrophized O Boyan, nigh tingale of the times of old! If you were to trill [your praise of]   these troops,   while hopping, nightingale, over the tre e of thought; [if you were] flying in mind up to the clouds; [if] weaving paeans around these times, [you were] roving the Troyan Trail, across fields onto hills; then the song to be sung of Igor, that grandson of Oleg [, would be]: "No storm has swept falcons across wide fields;   flocks of daws flee toward the Great Don";   or you might intone thus, vatic Boyan, grandson of Veles: "Steeds neigh beyond the Sula; glory rings in Kiev; trumpets blare in Novgorod[-Seversk]; banners are raised in Putivl."   Vsievolod's speech Igor waits for his dear brother Vsevolod. And Wild Bull Vsevolod [arrives and] says to him: "My one brother, one bright brightness, you Igor! We both are Svyatoslav's sons. Saddle, brother, your swift steeds. As to mine, they are ready, saddled ahead, near Kursk; as to my Kurskers, they are famous knights- swaddled under war-horns, nursed under helmets, fed from the point of the lance; to them the trails are familiar, to them the ravines are known, the bows they have are strung tight, the quivers, unclosed, the sabers, sharpened; themselves, like gray wolves, they lope in the field, seeking for themselves honor, and for their prince glory." The Eclipse and Igor's speech Then Igor glanced up at the bright sun and saw that...
2. Forget Lolita - let's hear it for lepidoptery...
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Часть текста: classification of butterflies, according to the details of their dissected genitals. Classical philology is hardly a more popular or accessible pursuit than lepidoptery, but the volume (edited by Christopher Ricks), which includes passages from Housman's technical writings as well as the poems, is an outstanding success. The advantages of that book over this one were that it was wieldy, that it never left the domain of culture and that it showed a side of the writer absent from his verse. The slyly fatalistic persona of the poet made a fascinating contrast with the professor of Latin, who was a doughty if not brutal scrapper, and never split a hair in argument if there was a chance of splitting the person to whom it was attached. When Nabokov wrote in 1947 that his scientific papers 'have no interest whatever for the layman', he was expressing pride as much as melancholy. Any reader would enjoy the passage reprinted here from his novel, The Gift, about the living arrangements of those large blues which have 'concluded a barbaric pact' with ants: 'I saw how an ant, greedily tickling a hind segment of that...
3. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Примечания)
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Часть текста: которым претенциозные и невежественные переводчики подвергают великие тексты. С.5 Сђверныя Территорiи – сохранена старая русская орфография. С.5 гранобластически – т.е. в тессеральном (мусийном) смешении. С.5 Тофана – намек на “аква тофана” (см. в любом хорошем словаре). С.5 ветвисторогатый – с рогами в полном развитьи, т.е. с концевыми развилками. С.6 озеро Китеж – аллюзия на баснословный град Китеж, сияющий в русской сказке с озерного дна. С.6 господин Элиот – мы вновь повстречаем его на страницах 213 и 233 в обществе автора “Плотных людей” и “Строкагонии”. С.6 контрфогговый – Филеас Фогг, кругосветный путешественник у Жюля Верна, двигавшийся с запада на восток. С.6 “Ночные проказники” – их имена взяты (с искажениями) из детского франкоязычного комикса. С.7 доктор Лапинэ – по какой-то неясной, но определенно несимпатичной причине большая часть врачей носит в этой книге фамилии, связанные с зайцами. Французскому lapin в “Лапинэ” соответствует русский “Кролик” – любимый лепидоптерист Ады (С.7 и далее), а русский “заяц” звучит наподобие немецкого Seitz (немец-гинеколог на c.105); еще имеется латинский cuniculus в фамилии “Никулин” (внук выдающегося знатока грызунов Куникулинова, c.200) и греческий lagos в фамилии...
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Sunday Times, 1969 г.
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Часть текста: greatly annoyed by the editorial liberties that periodicals in other countries had been taking with material I had supplied. When he arrived on June 15, I gave him my written answers accompanied by the following note. When preparing interviews I invariably write out my replies (and sometimes additional questions) taking great care to make them as concise as possible. My replies represent unpublished material, should be printed verbatim and in toto, and copyrighted in my name. Answers may be rearranged in whatever order the interviewer car the editor wishes: for example, they may be split, with insertion of the questioner's comments or bits of descriptive matter (but none of the latter material may be ascribed to me). Unprepared remarks, quips, etc., may come from me during the actual colloquy but may nut be published without my approval. The article will be shown to me before publication so as to avoid factual errors {e. g., in names, dates, etc.). Mr. Oakes' article appeared in The Sunday Times on June 22, 1969. As a distinguished entomologist and novelist do you find that your two main preoccupations condition, restrict, or refine your view of the world? What world? Whose world? If we mean the average world of the average newspaper reader in Liverpool, Livorno, or Vilno, then we are dealing in trivial generalities. If, on the other hand, an artist invents his own world, as I think I do, then how can he be said to influence his own understanding of what he has created himself? As soon as we start defining such terms as "the writer," "the world," "the novel," and so on, we slip into a solipsismal abyss where general ideas dissolve. As to butterflies-- well, my taxonomic papers...
5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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Часть текста: ready to turn away from it with something akin to plain repulsion. Never did she vibrate under my touch, and a strident “what d’you think you are doing?” was all I got for my pains. To the wonderland I had to offer, my fool preferred the corniest movies, the most cloying fudge. To think that between a Hamburger and a Humburger, she wouldinvariably, with icy precisionplump for the former. There is nothing more atrociously cruel than an adored child. Did I mention the name of that milk bar I visited a moment ago? It was, of all things, The Frigid Queen. Smiling a little sadly, I dubbed her My Frigid Princess. She did not see the wistful joke. Oh, d not scowl at me, reader, I do not intend to convey the impressin that I did not manage to be happy. Readeer must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.   For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet. It is hors   concours  , that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity. Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradisea paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flamesbut still a paradise. The able psychiatrist who studies my caseand whom by now Dr. Humbert has plunged, I trust, into a state of leporine fascinationis no doubt anxious to have me take Lolita to the seaside and have me find there, at last, the “gratification” of a lifetime urge, and release from the “subconscious” obsession of an incomplete childhood romance with the initial little Miss Lee. Well, comrade, let me tell you that I did   look for a beach, though I also have to confess that by the time we reached its mirage of gray...
6. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter two
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Часть текста: Aleksandr Pushkin Chapter two CHAPTER TWO O rus! Horace O Rus'! I   The country place where Eugene   moped was a charming nook;   a friend of innocent delights   4  might have blessed heaven there.   The manor house, secluded,   screened from the winds by a hill, stood   above a river; in the distance,   8  before it, freaked and flowered, lay   meadows and golden grainfields;   one could glimpse hamlets here and there;   herds roamed the meadows; 12  and its dense coverts spread   a huge neglected garden, the retreat   of pensive dryads. II   The venerable castle   was built as castles should be built:   excellent strong and comfortable   4  in the taste of sensible ancientry.   Tall chambers everywhere,   hangings of damask in the drawing room,   portraits of grandsires on the walls,   8  and stoves with varicolored tiles.   All this today is obsolete,   I really don't know why;   and anyway it was a matter 12  of very little moment to my friend,   since he yawned equally amidst   modish and olden halls. III   He settled in that chamber where the rural   old-timer had for forty years or so   squabbled with his housekeeper,   4  looked through the window, and squashed flies.   It all was plain: a floor of oak, two cupboards,   a table, a divan of down,   and not an ink speck anywhere. Onegin   8  opened the cupboards; found in one   a notebook of expenses and in the other   a...
7. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 25)
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Часть текста: Лугу, штат Майн. Он поцеловал Люсетту в обе ямочки, а следом еще в шею и подмигнул покосившейся на Марину чопорной Ларивьер. Наступил миг отъезда. Его провожали: Марина в своем “шлафроке”, Люсетта, гладившая (раз больше некого) Така, мадемуазель Ларивьер, не знавшая еще, что Ван забыл взять с собой подписанную ею накануне книгу, и дюжина щедро одаренных чаевыми слуг (среди которых отметим кухонного мальчика Кима с камерой) – по сути, все обитатели дома за вычетом Бланш, которую долила мигрень, и Ады, попросившей простить ее за отсутствие, – она еще прежде обещала навестить занемогшего мужика (нет, право же, у девочки не сердце, а золото, – часто повторяла проницательная Марина). Черный баул и черный чемодан Вана вместе с его богатырских размеров черными гантелями погрузили в багажник семейного автомобиля; Бутеллен нацепил великоватую ему капитанскую фуражку и сизые, как виноград, совиные очки; “remouvez votre задницу, я сам поведу”, – сказал Ван, и лето 1884 года кончилось. – У нее чарующе ровный ход, сударь, – на своем причудливом, старосветском русском заметил Бутеллен. – Tous les pneus sont neufs, но, к несчастию, на дороге немало камений, а юность мчит шибко. Мсье следует быть осмотрительнее. The winds of the wilderness are indiscreet. Tel un lis sauvage confiant au dйsert... – Ни дать ни взять заправский слуга из старинной комедии, так что ли? – сухо осведомился Ван. – Non, Monsieur, – ответил, придерживая фуражку, Бутеллен. – Non. Tout simplement j'aime bien Monsieur et sa demoiselle. – Если ты говоришь о малышке...
8. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 2
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Часть текста: же образом глумятся над Пниным. Однако содержание набоковского романа отнюдь не исчерпывается аналогией между Пниным и неким его прототипом из Шекспира. Нет, этот текст идет дальше: он доказывает, что перверсия — фундаментальный элемент искусства. Чтобы добраться до ядра перверсии в «Пнине», нужно покинуть филологическую раздевалку и обратиться… к белке. Центральная роль этого животного в романе не требует доказательств: белка появляется там неоднократно и в ключевые моменты. Этимологически слово «squirrel» (белка), как мы узнаем из открытки, отправленной Пниным Виктору, означает «shadow tail» («тенехвостая»); благодаря очевидной игре слов — tail / tale (хвост / рассказ) — этот зверек становится образом романа в целом, с его призрачными, как тени, повествователями и метатворческим сюжетом. Р. Олтер и Г. Барабтарло утверждали, что белка служит всего лишь репрезентацией принципа мотивного повторения, без которого, по Набокову, немыслим...