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1. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
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2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
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3. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Three. Mashen'ka
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4. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
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5. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 42)
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6. Постные щи и паюсная икра
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7. Audubon's butterflies, moths and other studies
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8. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Интервью данное Брайеном Бойдом журналу BOMB Magazine
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9. Бренча на клавикордах
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10. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
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11. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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12. Articles about butterflies
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13. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
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14. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
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15. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
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16. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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1. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
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Часть текста: Part One. Chapters 1 - 8 Part One 1 Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns. 2 I was born in 1910, in Paris. My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed French and Austrian descent, with a dash of the Danube in his veins. I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards. He owned a luxurious hotel on the Riviera. His father and two grandfathers had sold wine, jewels and silk, respectively. At thirty he married an English girl, daughter of Jerome Dunn, the alpinist, and granddaughter of two Dorset parsons, experts in obscure subjectspaleopedology and Aeolian harps, respectively. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past,...
2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
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Часть текста: the notion of a Lolita-maddened salesman or comedy gangster, with stooges, persecuting me, and hoaxing me, and otherwise taking riotous advantage of my strange relations with the law. I remember humming my panic away. I remember evolving even an explanation of the “Birdsley” telephone call… But if I could dismiss Trapp, as I had dismissed my convulsions on the lawn at Champion, I could do nothing with the anguish of knowing Lolita to be so tantalizingly, so miserably unattainable and beloved on the very even of a new era, when my alembics told me she should stop being a nymphet, stop torturing me. An additional, abominable, and perfectly gratuitous worry was lovingly prepared for me in Elphinstone. Lo had been dull and silent during the last laptwo hundred mountainous miles uncontaminated by smoke-gray sleuths or zigzagging zanies. She hardly glanced at the famous, oddly shaped, splendidly flushed rock which jutted above the mountains and had been the take-off for nirvana on the part of a temperamental show girl. The town was newly built, or rebuilt, on the flat floor of a seven-thousand-foot-high valley; it would soon bore Lo, I hoped, and we would spin on to California, to the Mexican border, to mythical bays, saguaro desserts, fatamorganas. Jos Lizzarrabengoa, as you remember, planned to take his Carmen to the...
3. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Three. Mashen'ka
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Часть текста: by one a series of clever but clumsy titles for this chapter I settled on the pedestrian choice above. Engaging in verbal legerdemain while speaking of Nabokov is a perilous and perhaps foolhardy undertaking, given his own multilingual mastery over words--one might compare it to beginning a talk on Nijinsky by stepping from behind the lectern to attempt a jeté or two. While much, indeed too much, has been written about Nabokov's English novels, much less has been said about his earliest Russian fiction. It is to this I must now turn. My editor has chided me for diverging too frequently and too widely from my subject--but what is a life if not a series of diversions from some hidden, ineffable theme? Mashen'ka opens with the tongue-twisting name and patronymic of the protagonist Ganin, Lev Glebovich, which, complains the character Alferov, "iazyk vyzvikhnut' mozhno" (7). Instantly we are made aware of the potential treachery of words. With Alferov's statement a few paragraphs later that "vsiakoe imia obiazyvaet," we are also reminded of their power. The first stylistic glimmer of the mature Nabokov, which comes after the brief dialogue between Ganin and Alferov of which chapter one wholly consists, is the sequence "i bubliki, i brilliantin i prosto brillianty" (17-18) a harbinger of such later alliterative lists as "the brook and the boughs and the beauty of the Beyond" 1 and "glacial drifts, drumlins, and gremlins, and kremlins." 2 In the sentence "Tak meshalis' v nem chustvo chesti i chustvo zhalosti, otumanivaia tvorcheskie podvigi, na vsiakii trud, i prinimaiushchagosia za etot trud zhadno, s okhotoi, s radostnym namereniem vse odolet' i vsego dostich'," (33) we are struck by the phrase's musicality and especially by the aptness of the final "dostich'"--chosen in preference to the alternative perfective form of dostigat' , dostignut' (lined out in...
4. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
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Часть текста: day, during our first tripour first circle of paradisewhen in order to enjoy my phantasms in peace I firmly decided to ignore what I could not help perceiving, the fact that I was to her not a boy friend, not a glamour man, not a pal, not even a person at all, but just two eyes and a foot of engorged brawnto mention only mentionable matters. There was the day when having withdrawn the functional promise I had made her on the eve (whatever she had set her funny little heart ona roller rink with some special plastic floor or a movie matinee to which she wanted to go alone), I happened to glimpse from the bathroom, through a chance combination of mirror aslant and door ajar, a look on her face… that look I cannot exactly describe… an expression of helplessness so perfect that it seemed to grade into one of rather comfortable inanity just because this was the very limit of injustice and frustrationand every limit presupposes something beyond ithence the neutral illumination. And when you bear in mind that these were the raised eyebrows and parted lips of a child, you may better appreciate what depths of calculated carnality, what reflected despair, restrained me from falling at her dear feet and dissolving in human tears, and sacrificing my jealousy to whatever pleasure Lolita might hope to derive from mixing with dirty and dangerous children in an outside world that was real to her. And I...
5. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 42)
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6. Постные щи и паюсная икра
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Часть текста: охватывают приблизительно одинаковый круг произведений. И там и там: «Шинель» Гоголя и его же «Ревизор», «Пиковая дама» Пушкина, баллада Лермонтова о купце Калашникове, кулачном бойце-любителе, и «Господин из Сан-Франциско» Бунина. В обеих присутствует Сологуб — весьма незначительный писатель, к которому Англия и Америка обнаруживают столь непостижимую любовь. Обе, как следовало ожидать, открываются тургеневским стихотворением в прозе о величии русского языка. Обе перепечатывают несколько превосходных переводов Беаринга из русской лирики. На этом сходство кончается. Разъяснение г-на Курноса, что Блок написал «Скифов», потому что был возмущен, «когда Британия и Франция послали войска в помощь Белой армии», являет собой недурной пример его способности толковать литературное произведение. Взгляд на дневники Блока открывает г-ну Кур-носу, что создать поэму Блока побудил отказ партнеров России по Тройственному союзу подписать мирный договор с Германией, как на том настаивали Советы в дни Брест-Литовска. Блок предупреждает Антанту, что, если она не отзовется на этот призыв, не услышит «варварской лиры», сзывающей «в последний раз на светлый братский пир», громадная, узкоглазая Россия покончит с Западом. Г-н Курнос совершенно не понимает смысла предпоследней строфы (и предшествующей) и своим переводом чудовищно искажает ее, превращая текст в полный вздор. Так, у г-на Курноса читаем: We shall close our ranks like the savage Hun, ghole-like, rifle the pockets of corpses, burn down towns, drive human hordes into churches and roast the flesh of our white brothers. (Мы, как свирепый гунн, сомкнем свои ряды, ...
7. Audubon's butterflies, moths and other studies
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Часть текста: and other insects in a handsome volume padded with additional pictorial odds and ends and an account of Audubon's life. The sketches were made in the 1820s. Most of the lepidoptera which they burlesque came from Europe (Southern France, I suggest). Their scientific names, supplied by Mr. Austin H. Clark, are meticulously correct-- except in the case of one butterfly, p. 20, top, which is not a Hamaeris but a distorted Zerynthia. Their English equivalents, however, reveal some sad editorial blundering: "Cabbage," p. 23, and "Miller," p. 91, should be "Bath White" and "Witch," respectively; and the two moths on p. 64 are emphatically not "Flesh Flies." In an utterly helpless account of the history of entomological illustration, Miss Ford calls Audubon's era "scientifi-cally unsophisticated." The unsophistication is all her own. She might have looked up John Abbot's prodigious representations of North American lepidoptera, 1797, or the splendid plates of eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century German lepidopterists, or the rich butterflies that enliven the flowers and fruit of the old Dutch Masters. She might have traveled back some thirty-three centuries to the times of Tuthmosis IV or Amenophis III and, instead of the obvious scarab, found there frescoes with a...
8. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Интервью данное Брайеном Бойдом журналу BOMB Magazine
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Часть текста: land that begins with Z composes an outlandish elucidation of another man's masterpiece. His startling, perhaps outrageous claims upset certain entrenched academic specialists, and he must flee (a world tour, a centenary), and undergo the ordeals of exile before coming to rest, in some almost successful disguise—as a professor of English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. An unlikely plot, but the real story is no less exceptional: Brian Boyd, author of the prize-winning two-volume biography, Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years and Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years, and of Nabokov's Ada: The Place of Consciousness and the just-released Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, is a scholar who changed his mind. Writing in The New York Observer on Boyd's 'remarkable, obsessive, delirious, devotional study, Nabokov's Pale Fire,' Ron Rosenbaum called him 'an ornament of the accidents and possibilities of Nabokov scholarship' and praised him 'for having the courage and humility to retract an earlier conjecture and the imaginative daring' to (as Boyd himself might put it) re-re-reread Pale Fire. Nabokov's 1962 novel takes the form of an introduction by a scholar named Charles Kinbote; a lucid 999-line poem by an American poet named John Shade; and a commentary and index by Kinbote, whose attention veers continually from the poem to his own unsatisfactory life, from John Shade's homely metaphysics and painful...
9. Бренча на клавикордах
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Часть текста: только что опубликованное переложение того же произведения, но в данном случае я могу, и обязан, побороть колебания, поскольку надо что-то делать, надо, чтобы прозвучал чей-нибудь одинокий сорванный голос и защитил и беспомощного мертвого поэта, и доверчивых студентов колледжей от беззастенчивого пересказчика, о чьей продукции я намерен говорить. {44} Задача превратить около пяти тысяч строк, написанных русским четырехстопным ямбом с регулярным чередованием мужских и женских рифм, в равное количество английских четырехстопных ямбов, точно так же рифмованных, чудовищно сложна, и упорство г-на Арндта вызывает у меня, ограничившего свои усилия скромным прозаическим и нерифмованным переводом «Евгения Онегина», восхищение, смешанное со злорадством. Отзывчивый читатель, особенно такой, который не сверяется с оригиналом, может найти в переложении г-на Арндта относительно большие фрагменты, звучащие усыпляюще гладко и с нарочитым чувством; но всякий менее снисходительный и более знающий читатель увидит, сколь, в сущности, ухабисты эти ровные места. Позвольте первым делом предложить вам мой буквальный перевод двух строф (Глава шестая, XXXVI–XXXVII) и те же строфы в переводе г-на Арндта, поместив их рядом ( в эл. версии — ниже и нежирным ). Это одно из тех мест в его труде, которые свободны от вопиющих ошибок и которые пассивный читатель (любимчик преуспевающих преподавателей) мог бы одобрить: 1. My friends, you're sorry for the poet 1. My friends, you...
10. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
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Часть текста: in the entrance hall belonged to the type that allows one to glimpse something of its contents through a glassed slit. Several times already, a trick of harlequin light that fell through the glass upon an alien handwriting had twisted it into a semblance of Lolita’s script causing me almost to collapse as I leant against an adjacent urn, almost my own. Whenever that happenedwhenever her lovely, childish scrawl was horribly transformed into the dull hand of one of my few correspondentsI used to recollect, with anguished amusement, the times in my trustful, pre-dolorian past when I would be misled by a jewel-bright window opposite wherein my lurking eye, the ever alert periscope of my shameful vice, would make out from afar a half-naked nymphet stilled in the act of combing her Alice-in-Wonderland hair. There was in the fiery phantasm a perfection which made my wild delight also perfect, just because the vision was out of reach, with no possibility of attainment to spoil it by the awareness of an appended taboo; indeed, it may well be that the very attraction immaturity has for me lies not so much in the limpidity of pure young forbidden fairy child beauty as in the security of a situation where infinite perfections fill the gap between the little given and the great...