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Cлово "RIDE"

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1. The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg (перевод Набокова)
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2. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
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3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
Входимость: 2. Размер: 49кб.
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1972 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
5. Anniversary notes
Входимость: 1. Размер: 33кб.
6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
7. Ада, или Эротиада (перевод О. М. Кириченко). Часть первая. Глава 2
Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.
8. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times, 1969 г.
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9. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 6)
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10. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 2
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11. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
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12. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
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1. The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg (перевод Набокова)
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Часть текста: over the tree; like the gray wolf across land; like the smoky eagle up to the clouds. For as he recalled, said he, the feuds of initial times, "He set ten falcons upon a flock of swans, and the one first overtaken, sang a song first"- to Yaroslav of yore, and to brave Mstislav who slew Rededya before the Kasog troops, and to fair Roman son of Svyatoslav. To be sure, brothers, Boyan did not [really] set ten falcons upon a flock of swans: his own vatic fingers he laid on the live strings,   which then twanged out by themselves a paean to princes. So let us begin, brothers, this tale- from Vladimir of yore to nowadays Igor. who girded his mind with fortitude, and sharpened his heart with manliness; [thus] imbued with the spirit of arms, he led his brave troops against the Kuman land in the name of the Russian land. Boyan apostrophized O Boyan, nigh tingale of the times of old! If you were to trill [your praise of]   these troops,   while hopping, nightingale, over the tre e of thought; [if you were] flying in mind up to the clouds; [if] weaving paeans around these times, [you were] roving the Troyan Trail, across fields onto hills;...
2. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
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Часть текста: an oppressive dream.   But it has ended. They go in to supper.   The beds are made. Guests are assigned   night lodgings — from the entrance hall 12  even to the maids' quarters. Restful sleep   by all is needed. My Onegin   alone has driven home to sleep. II   All has grown quiet. In the drawing room   the heavy Pustyakov   snores with his heavy better half.   4  Gvozdin, Buyanov, Petushkov,   and Flyanov (who is not quite well)   have bedded in the dining room on chairs,   with, on the floor, Monsieur Triquet   8  in underwaistcoat and old nightcap.   All the young ladies, in Tatiana's   and Olga's rooms, are wrapped in sleep.   Alone, sadly by Dian's beam 12  illumined at the window, poor Tatiana   is not asleep   and gazes out on the dark field. III   With his unlooked-for apparition,   the momentary softness of his eyes,   and odd conduct with Olga,   4  to the depth of her soul   she's penetrated. She is quite unable   to understand him. Jealous   anguish perturbs her,   8  as if a cold hand pressed   her heart; as if beneath her an abyss   yawned black and dinned....   “I shall...
3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
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Часть текста: bed-and-cot or twin-bed cabin, a prison cell or paradise, with yellow window shades pulled down to create a morning illusion of Venice and sunshine when actually it was Pennsylvania and rain. We came to know nous connmes,   to use a Flaubertian intonationthe stone cottages under enormous Chateaubriandesque trees, the brick unit, the adobe unit, the stucco court, on what the Tour Book of the Automobile Association describes as “shaded” or “spacious” or “landscaped” grounds. The log kind, finished in knotty pine, reminded Lo, by its golden-brown glaze, of friend-chicken bones. We held in contempt the plain whitewashed clapboard Kabins, with their faint sewerish smell or some other gloomy self-conscious stench and nothing to boast of (except “good beds”), and an unsmiling landlady always prepared to have her gift (“…well, I could give you…”) turned down. Nous connmes   (this is royal fun) the would-be enticements of their repetitious namesall those Sunset Motels, U-Beam Cottages, Hillcrest Courts, Pine View Courts, Mountain View Courts, Skyline Courts, Park Plaza Courts, Green Acres, Mac’s Courts. There was sometimes a special line in the write-up, such as “Children welcome, pets allowed” ( You   are welcome, you   are allowed). The baths were mostly tiled showers, with an endless variety of spouting mechanisms, but with one definitely non-Laodicean...
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1972 г.
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Часть текста: was all that existed a hundred and fifty years ago (you can still see that initial inn and our future windows in old prints of 1840 or so). Our quarters consist of several tiny rooms with two and a half bathrooms, the result of two apartments having been recently fused. The sequence is: kitchen, living-dining room, my wife's room, my room, a former kitchenette now full of my papers, and our son's former room, now converted into a study. The apartment is! cluttered with books, folders, and files. What might be termed rather grandly a library is a back room housing my published works, and there are additional shelves in the attic whose skylight is much frequented by pigeons and Alpine choughs. I am giving this meticulous description to refute a distortion in an interview published recently in another New York magazine-- a long piece with embarrassing misquotations, wrong intonations, and false exchanges in the course of which I am made to dismiss the scholarship of a dear friend as "pedantry" and to poke ambiguous fun at a manly writer's tragic fate. Is there any truth in the rumor that you are thinking of leaving Montreux forever? Well, there is a rumor that sooner or later everybody living now in Montreux will leave it forever. Lolita is an extraordinary Baedecker of the United States. What fascinated you about American motels? The fascination was purely utilitarian. My wife used to drive me (Plymouth, Oldsmobile, Buick, Buick Special, Impala-- in that order of brand) during several seasons, many thousands of miles every season, for the sole purpose of collecting Lepidoptera-- all of which are now in three museums...
5. Anniversary notes
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Часть текста: simply to publish the rough jottings I made as an objective reader anxious to eliminate slight factual errors of which such a marvelous gift must be free; for I knew what pains the editors, Charles Newman and Alfred Appel, had taken to prepare it and remembered how firmly the guest co-editor, when collecting the ingredients of this great feast, refused to show me any plum or crumb before publication.  BUTTERFLIES Butterflies are among the most thoughtful and touching contributions to this volume. The old-fashioned engraving of a Catagramma- like insect is delightfully reproduced twelve times so as to suggest a double series or "block" of specimens in a cabinet case; and there is a beautiful photograph of a Red Admirable (but "Nymphalidae" is the family to which it belongs, not its genus, which is Vanessa-- my first bit of carping).  ALFRED APPEL, JR. Mr. Appel, guest co-editor, writes about my two main works of fiction. His essay "Backgrounds of Lolita" is a superb example of the rare case where art and erudition meet in a shining ridge of specific information (the highest and to me most acceptable function of literary criticism). I would have liked to say more about his findings but modesty (a virtue that the average reviewer especially appreciates in authors) denies me that pleasure. His other piece in this precious collection is "Ada Described." I planted three blunders, meant to ridicule mistranslations of Russian classics, in the first paragraph of my Ada: the opening sentence of Anna Karenin (no additional "a," printer, she was not a...
6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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Часть текста: away from it with something akin to plain repulsion. Never did she vibrate under my touch, and a strident “what d’you think you are doing?” was all I got for my pains. To the wonderland I had to offer, my fool preferred the corniest movies, the most cloying fudge. To think that between a Hamburger and a Humburger, she wouldinvariably, with icy precisionplump for the former. There is nothing more atrociously cruel than an adored child. Did I mention the name of that milk bar I visited a moment ago? It was, of all things, The Frigid Queen. Smiling a little sadly, I dubbed her My Frigid Princess. She did not see the wistful joke. Oh, d not scowl at me, reader, I do not intend to convey the impressin that I did not manage to be happy. Readeer must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.   For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet. It is hors   concours  , that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity. Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradisea paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flamesbut still a paradise. The able psychiatrist who studies my caseand whom by now Dr. Humbert has plunged, I trust, into a state of leporine fascinationis no doubt anxious to have me take Lolita to the seaside and have me find there, at last, the “gratification” of a lifetime urge, and release from the “subconscious” obsession of an incomplete childhood romance with the initial little Miss Lee. Well, comrade, let me tell you that I did   look for a beach, though I also have to confess that by the time we reached its mirage of gray...
7. Ада, или Эротиада (перевод О. М. Кириченко). Часть первая. Глава 2
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Часть текста: с Демоном Вином начался в день его, ее и Дэниела Вина рождения, 5 января 1868 года, когда Марине исполнилось двадцать четыре, а обоим Винам по тридцать. Как актриса она ни в коей мере не обладала тем захватывающим талантом, который делает искусство подражания, в процессе спектакля по крайней мере, ценнее даже, пожалуй, таких светочей лицедейства, как бессонница, фантазия, талант высокомерия. Однако в тот самый вечер, когда где-то за плюшем и крашеными декорациями падал снег, la Durmanska (платившая великому Скотту, своему импресарио, семь тысяч золотом в неделю за одну рекламу плюс премилую премию за каждый ангажемент) с самого начала дрянной пьески-однодневки (которую один не без претензии писака-американец состряпал, взяв за основу известный русский роман в стихах {8} ) была так воздушна, так мила, так трепетна, что Демон, будучи в делах амурных не слишком джентльмен, заключил пари с князем N, своим соседом по креслам в партере, и, подкупив пяток завсегдатаев артистических закоулков, затем в cabinet reculé [16] (как мог бы французский писатель минувшего века загадочно поименовать комнатушку, где по случаю среди множества запыленных горшочков с разноцветными мазилками валялись сломанная труба да пуделиный обруч забытого уже клоуна) он в промежутке между двумя сценами (что соответствовало главам третьей и четвертой многострадального романа) сумел овладеть Мариной. В первой из этих двух сцен она разделась, колышась изящным силуэтом на фоне полупрозрачной ширмы, вышла в очаровательном, тончайшем пеньюаре и остаток этого жалкого действия провела, беседуя со старой няней в эскимосских мокасинах о местном помещике, бароне д'О. Следуя крайне прозорливому совету няни, она, присев на краешке кровати, гусиным пером выводила на тумбочке с витыми ножками любовное письмо и в течение долгих пяти минут зачитывала его вялым, но довольно-таки...
8. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times, 1969 г.
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Часть текста: английском языке. The New York Times, 1969 г. The New York Times [1969] In April, 1969, Alden Whitman sent me these questions and came to Montreux for a merry interview shortly before my seventieth birthday. His piece appeared in The New York Times, April 19, 1969, with only two or three of my answers retained. The rest are to be used, I suppose, as "Special to The New York Times" at some later date by A. W., if he survives, or by his successor. I transcribe some of our exchanges. You have called yourself "an American writer, born in Russia and educated in England. " How does this make you an American writer? An American writer means, in the present case, a writer who has been an American citizen for a quarter of a century. It means, moreover, that all my works appear first in America. It also means that America is the only country where I feel mentally and emotionally at home. Rightly or wrongly, I am not one of those perfectionists who by dint of hypercriticizing America find themselves wallowing in the same muddy camp with indigenous rascals and envious foreign observers. My admiration for this adopted country of mine can easily survive the jolts and flaws that: , indeed, are nothing in comparison to the abyss of evil in the history of Russia, not to speak of other, more exotic, countries. In the poem...
9. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 6)
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10. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 2
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Часть текста: что связано с сексом, — прием, а не причина, ибо, как известно всякому читателю Набокова, «пол лишь прислужник искусства» («Лолита»), Отношение к Офелии в «Пнине» походит на злословие, намеренное извращение ее истории, этакую генитальную мышеловку, искаженную транспозицию шекспировского текста. Повествователь и его «источник», Джек Кокерелл, подобным же образом глумятся над Пниным. Однако содержание набоковского романа отнюдь не исчерпывается аналогией между Пниным и неким его прототипом из Шекспира. Нет, этот текст идет дальше: он доказывает, что перверсия — фундаментальный элемент искусства. Чтобы добраться до ядра перверсии в «Пнине», нужно покинуть филологическую раздевалку и обратиться… к белке. Центральная роль этого животного в романе не требует доказательств: белка появляется там неоднократно и в ключевые моменты. Этимологически слово «squirrel» (белка), как мы узнаем из открытки, отправленной Пниным Виктору, означает «shadow tail» («тенехвостая»); благодаря очевидной игре слов — tail / tale (хвост / рассказ) — этот зверек становится образом романа в целом, с его призрачными, как тени, повествователями и метатворческим сюжетом. Р. Олтер и Г. Барабтарло утверждали, что белка служит всего лишь репрезентацией принципа мотивного повторения, без которого, по Набокову, немыслим никакой литературный текст. «Имеет ли Тема Белки особую аллегорическую миссию, — спрашивает Барабтарло, — помимо того, что она включена в общую...