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1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
Входимость: 10. Размер: 39кб.
2. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
Входимость: 6. Размер: 53кб.
3. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Novel, 1970 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 30кб.
4. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Seven. King, Queen, Knave
Входимость: 5. Размер: 18кб.
5. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter eight
Входимость: 5. Размер: 71кб.
6. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Nine. Zashchita Luzhina
Входимость: 5. Размер: 23кб.
7. Anniversary notes
Входимость: 5. Размер: 33кб.
8. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
9. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
10. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 63кб.
11. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
Входимость: 3. Размер: 72кб.
12. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
Входимость: 3. Размер: 49кб.
13. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
Входимость: 3. Размер: 52кб.
14. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times, 1969 г.
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15. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
Входимость: 3. Размер: 54кб.
16. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
Входимость: 3. Размер: 59кб.
17. Здесь говорят по-русски (перевод С. Сакуна)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 43кб.
18. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
Входимость: 2. Размер: 58кб.
19. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Three. Mashen'ka
Входимость: 2. Размер: 16кб.
20. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
Входимость: 2. Размер: 57кб.
21. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
Входимость: 2. Размер: 59кб.
22. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 29кб.
23. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter five
Входимость: 2. Размер: 54кб.
24. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Life, 1964 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
25. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1972 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 17кб.
26. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1969 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 11кб.
27. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Time, 1969 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 21кб.
28. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times Book Review, 1968 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
29. Review by Brian Boyd, Robert Michael Pyle
Входимость: 1. Размер: 13кб.
30. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. BBC Television, 1962 г.
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31. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Отцовские бабочки. Father's Butterflies (английский язык)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 36кб.
32. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times, 1971 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 7кб.
33. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter three
Входимость: 1. Размер: 61кб.
34. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter seven
Входимость: 1. Размер: 67кб.
35. Щербак Нина: «Роман Владимира Набокова «Ада»: лабиринты смыслов и обратимость времени»
Входимость: 1. Размер: 45кб.
36. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. BBC-2, 1969 г.
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37. Утгоф Г.М.: «Audiatur et altera pars» - к проблеме «Набоков и Лоуэлл»
Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
38. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава восьмая. Пункты XXXIX - LI
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39. Смотри на арлекинов!
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40. Сакун С. В.: Гамбит Сирина (сборник статей). Шахматный секрет романа В. Набокова "Защита Лужина"
Входимость: 1. Размер: 108кб.
41. Nabokov's Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings
Входимость: 1. Размер: 8кб.
42. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Глава шестая. Преследование темы: О композиции сновидений в творчестве В.Набокова
Входимость: 1. Размер: 86кб.
43. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). His Legacy
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44. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
Входимость: 1. Размер: 42кб.
45. Articles about butterflies
Входимость: 1. Размер: 35кб.
46. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Anonymous, 1972 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
47. Butterfly collecting in Wyoming, 1952
Входимость: 1. Размер: 14кб.
48. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
49. Боги (перевод С. В. Сакуна)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 39кб.
50. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Sunday Times, 1969 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 11кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
Входимость: 10. Размер: 39кб.
Часть текста: литературным материалом» (“The purposes of such studies are not to use the psychological methods for the literary analysis, but to use the literary methods in order to analyze the psychological phenomenon, which is described in the literary text”) [20, с.9]. These studies are interdisciplinary, for they are situated on the boundaries of different academic fields, such as physiology, medicine, philosophy, psychology, literary and cultural studies, and semiotics. V.M.Kovalzon, The Doctor of Biology and a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, defines the process of sleeping as “...особое генетически детерминированное состояние организма человека и других теплокровных животных (т.е. млекопитающих и птиц), характеризующееся закономерной последовательной сменой определенных полиграфических картин в виде циклов, фаз и стадий» (“.a special, genetically determined state of the human body and the body of other warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds), which is characterized by the logical succession of certain multi-graphic pictures in the form of cycles, phases and stages” ) [6, с.311]. The process of sleeping is inevitably accompanied by the phases of dreams, which some scholars describe as the period of paradoxical sleeping. According to J.M. Lotman, a dream is «семиотическое зеркало, и каждый видит в нем отражение своего языка» (“.a semiotic mirror, and everyone beholds in it the reflection of his or her own language”) [9, с.124]. V. N. Toporov, while chronologically cataloguing literary dreams from the texts of I. S. Turgenev, proposed to classify them according to their themes and to distinguish their repeating motifs and archetypes [21]. But the recurrence of similar images and situations of literary dreams might be found in the literary texts not only of the same, but of different authors. This fact cannot be explained in a singular way, and, probably, is connected to...
2. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
Входимость: 6. Размер: 53кб.
Часть текста: loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns. 2 I was born in 1910, in Paris. My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed French and Austrian descent, with a dash of the Danube in his veins. I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards. He owned a luxurious hotel on the Riviera. His father and two grandfathers had sold wine, jewels and silk, respectively. At thirty he married an English girl, daughter of Jerome Dunn, the alpinist, and granddaughter of two Dorset parsons, experts in obscure subjectspaleopedology and Aeolian harps, respectively. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists...
3. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Novel, 1970 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 30кб.
Часть текста: August, 1970, Alfred Appel interviewed me again. The result was printed, from our careful jottings, in the spring, 1971, issue of Novel, A Forum on Fiction, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. In the twelve years since the American publication of Lolita, you've published twenty-two or so books-- new American or Antiterran novels, old Russian works in English, Lolita in Russian-- giving one the impression that, as someone has said-- John Updike, I think-- your oeuvre is growing at both ends. Now that your first novel has appeared (Mashenka, 1926), it seems appropriate that, as we sail into the future, even earlier works should adhere to this elegant formula and make their quantum leap into English. Yes, my forthcoming Poems and Problems [McGraw-Hill] will offer several examples of the verse of my early youth, including "The Rain Has Flown," which was composed in the park of our country place, Vyra, in May 1917, the last spring my family was to live there. This "new" volume consists of three sections: a selection of thirty-six Russian poems, presented in the original and in translation; fourteen poems which I wrote directly in English, after 1940 and my arrival in America (all of which were published in The New Yorker), and eighteen chess problems, all but two of which were composed in recent years (the chess manuscripts of the 1940-1960 period have been mislaid and the earlier...
4. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Seven. King, Queen, Knave
Входимость: 5. Размер: 18кб.
Часть текста: would certainly characterize as the overly vociferous behest of my good, but sometimes impatient, editor, who enjoined me, in a fax sent to the seedy but comfortable hotel in Villefranche-sur-Mer where I was recovering from recent scholarly labors, to "get on with it." (Incidentally, the sea softly plashing against the sandy edge of this charming townlet is, at noon, a deep azure hue, recalling a certain lake in my homeland, a distant northern land. And at night, I have noticed on my insomniac rambles, the moon casts slivers of silvery light upon the ink-black waters. Do remind me to say more of this later.) The original contract for this book (signed three years ago with a then noticeably more solicitous publisher whose name I am legally bound not to mention) stipulated that the text be comprised not only of biography proper (of which the reader has already enjoyed, I trust, a taste) but also of criticism of each of Nabokov's books. In lieu of any sensible reason not to proceed in any but a chronological, or pseudo-chronological, fashion, I turn now to Korol', dama, valet , 2 a novel quite different from Mashen'ka , strangely lacking in luster, which a 28-year-old Sirin began in July of 1927 and a 29-year-old Sirin completed in June of the following year, not very far from here, I'm told. The plot, though banal, perhaps bears repeating. A brooding, not unattractive boy named Frants arrives in a large German city--manifestly Berlin though unnamed in the book--with the hope that his maternal uncle, a wealthy speculator and businessman who owns, among other things, a large department store, will assist him in making his fortune. Dreyer's callous wife, Marta, manages to seduce and ensnare the poor lad and subsequently convince him that the sole obstacle to...
5. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter eight
Входимость: 5. Размер: 71кб.
Часть текста:   I bloomed serenely,   would eagerly read Apuleius,   4  did not read Cicero;   in those days, in mysterious valleys,   in springtime, to the calls of swans,   near waters shining in the stillness,   8  the Muse began to visit me.   My student cell was all at once   radiant with light: in it the Muse   opened a banquet of young fancies, 12  sang childish gaieties,   and glory of our ancientry,   and the heart's tremulous dreams. II   And with a smile the world received her;   the first success provided us with wings;   the aged Derzhavin noticed us — and blessed us   4  as he descended to the grave.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III   And I, setting myself for law   only the arbitrary will of passions,   sharing emotions with the crowd,   4  I led my frisky Muse into the hubbub   of feasts and turbulent discussions —   the terror of midnight patrols;   and to them, in mad feasts,   8  she brought her gifts,   and like a little bacchante frisked,   over the bowl sang for the guests;   and the young people of past days 12  would turbulently dangle after her;   and I was proud 'mong friends   of my volatile mistress. IV   But I dropped out of their alliance —   and fled afar... she followed me.   How often the caressive Muse   4  for me would...
6. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Nine. Zashchita Luzhina
Входимость: 5. Размер: 23кб.
Часть текста: or happened to remove inadvertantly, from Chapters Two and Five. Zashchita Luzhina is a book about chess, "a game of skill played by two persons, each having sixteen pieces to move in different ways, on a board divided into 64 squares, alternately light and dark." (I owe this pithy definition to Webster.) If the reader does not know, or has forgotten, the rules to the game, he or she is invited to consult one of the many pamphlets devoted to chess that must surely exist in every language written and read in the civilized world. The word chess derives from Middle English ches or chesse , thence from Old French eschec (francophones will hear here an echo of the French word for failure, a not irrelevant observation for the case under discussion), or echac ,2 thence from Persian shah , a king, the most important piece in the game. Luzhin, the eponymous hero, is our king: He remembered especially the time when he was quite small, playing all alone, and wrapping himself up in the tiger rug, to represent, rather forlornly, a king (p. 70, 4). (Indeed. A young and pretty princelet, I too played at being king. Note the tiger rug, which will reappear later as a "belaia medvezh'ia shkura, raskinuv lapy, slovno letia v blestiashchuiu propast' pola" (p. 68, 8) ["a white bearskin with spread paws... as if flying in the shiny abyss of the floor" (p. 119, 8)], an image which links, alas, the...
7. Anniversary notes
Входимость: 5. Размер: 33кб.
Часть текста: Evanston, Illinois) which is dedicated to me on the occasion of my seventieth birthday. I soon realized, however, that I might find myself discussing critical studies of my fiction, something I have always avoided doing. True, a festschrift is a very special and rare occasion for that kind of sport, but I did not wish to create even the shadow of a precedent and therefore decided simply to publish the rough jottings I made as an objective reader anxious to eliminate slight factual errors of which such a marvelous gift must be free; for I knew what pains the editors, Charles Newman and Alfred Appel, had taken to prepare it and remembered how firmly the guest co-editor, when collecting the ingredients of this great feast, refused to show me any plum or crumb before publication.  BUTTERFLIES Butterflies are among the most thoughtful and touching contributions to this volume. The old-fashioned engraving of a Catagramma- like insect is delightfully reproduced twelve times so as to ...
8. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
Часть текста: affair. The bride may dispense with a tiara of orange blossoms securing her finger-tip veil, nor does she carry a white orchid in a prayer book. The bride’s little daughter might have added to the ceremonies uniting H. and H. a touch of vivid vermeil; but I knew I would not dare be too tender with cornered Lolita yet, and therefore agreed it was not worth while tearing the child away from her beloved Camp Q. My soi-disant   passionate and lonely Charlotte was in everyday life matter-of-fact and gregarious. Moreover, I discovered that although she could not control her heart or her cries, she was a woman of principle. Immediately after she had become more or less my mistress (despite the stimulants, her “nervous, eager chri  a heroic chri   !  had some initial trouble, for which, however, he amply compensated her by a fantastic display of old-world endearments), good Charlotte interviewed me about my relations with God. I could have answered that on that score my mind was open; I said, insteadpaying my tribute to a pious platitudethat I believed in a cosmic spirit. Looking down at her fingernails, she also asked me had I not in my family a certain strange strain. I countered by inquiring whether she would still want to marry me if my...
9. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
Часть текста: to Toffler when he came to Montreux in mid-March, 1963. The present text takes into account the order of my interviewer's questions as well as the fact that a couple of consecutive pages of my typescript were apparently lost in transit. Egreto perambis doribus! With the American publication of Lolita in 1958, your fame and fortune mushroomed almost overnight from high repute among the literary cognoscenti-- which you bad enjoyed for more than 30 years-- to both acclaim and abuse as the world-renowned author of a sensational bestseller. In the aftermath of this cause celebre, do you ever regret having written Lolita? On the contrary, I shudder retrospectively when I recall that there was a moment, in 1950, and again in 1951, when I was on the point of burning Humbert Humbert's little black diary. No, I shall never regret Lolita. She was like the composition of a beautiful puzzle-- its composition and its solution at the same time, since one is a mirror view of the other, depending on the way you look. Of course she completely eclipsed my other works-- at least those I wrote in English: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Bend Sinister, my short stories, my book of recollections; but I cannot grudge her this. There is a queer, tender charm about that mythical nymphet. Though many readers and reviewers would disagree that her charm is ...
10. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 63кб.
Часть текста: on the sixth floor, overlooking Lake Geneva, and the sounds of the lake are audible through the open doors of their small balcony. Since Mr. Nabokov does not like to talk off the cuff (or "Off the Nabocuff," as he said) no tape recorder was used. Mr. Nabokov ei! ther wrote out his answers to the questions or dictated them to the interviewer; in some instances, notes from the conversation were later recast as formal questions-and-answers. The interviewer was Nabokov's student at Cornell University in 1954, and the references are to Literature 311-312 (MWF, 12), a course on the Masterpieces of European Fiction (Jane Austen, Gogol, Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Stevenson, Kafka, Joyce, and Proust). Its enrollment had reached four hundred by the time of Nabokov's resignation in 1959. The footnotes to the interview, except where indicated, are provided by the interviewer, Alfred Appel, Jr. For years bibliographers and literary journalists didn't know whether to group you under "Russian" or "American. "Now that you're living in Switzerland there seems to be complete agreement that you're American. Do you find this kind of distinction at all important regarding your identity as a writer? I have always maintained, even as a schoolboy in Russia, that the nationality of a worthwhile writer is of secondary importance. The more distinctive an insect's aspect, the less apt the taxonomist is to glance first of all at the locality label under the pinned specimen in order to decide which of several vaguely described races it should be assigned to. The writer's art is his real passport. His identity should be immediately recognized by a special pattern or unique coloration. His habitat may confirm the correctness of the determination but should not lead to it. Locality labels are known to have...