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Cлово "REGRET"

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1. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 53кб.
2. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1971-72 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 17кб.
3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
Входимость: 2. Размер: 42кб.
4. Комментарии к "Евгению Онегину" Александра Пушкина. Глава шестая. Пункты XXI - XXIX
Входимость: 1. Размер: 74кб.
5. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
6. L. C. Higcins and N. D. Riley
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7. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 59кб.
8. Комментарии к "Евгению Онегину" Александра Пушкина. Глава осьмая. Эпиграф, пункты I - IX
Входимость: 1. Размер: 61кб.
9. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава седьмая. Эпиграфы, пункты I - XX
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10. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
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11. Брайан Бойд. Владимир Набоков: американские годы. Библиография
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12. Articles about butterflies
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13. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter two
Входимость: 1. Размер: 51кб.
14. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. BBC-2, 1969 г.
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15. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава седьмая. Пункты XXI - XXXI
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16. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава восьмая. Пункты V - XIV
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17. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter four
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18. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
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19. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter eight
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20. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
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21. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава шестая. Пункты XXI - XXX
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22. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Fragments of Onegin's journey
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23. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
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24. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter five
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25. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава вторая. Пункты XVIII - XXXI
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26. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
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1. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 53кб.
Часть текста: языке. Playboy, 1964 г. Playboy [1964] This exchange with Alvin Toffler appeared in Playboy for January, 1964. Great trouble was taken on both sides to achieve the illusion of a spontaneous conversation. Actually, my contribution as printed conforms meticulously to the answers, every word of which I had written in longhand before having them typed for submission to Toffler when he came to Montreux in mid-March, 1963. The present text takes into account the order of my interviewer's questions as well as the fact that a couple of consecutive pages of my typescript were apparently lost in transit. Egreto perambis doribus! With the American publication of Lolita in 1958, your fame and fortune mushroomed almost overnight from high repute among the literary cognoscenti-- which you bad enjoyed for more than 30 years-- to both acclaim and abuse as the world-renowned author of a sensational bestseller. In the aftermath of this cause celebre, do you ever regret having written Lolita? On the contrary, I shudder retrospectively when I recall that there was a moment, in 1950, and again in 1951, when I was on the point of burning Humbert Humbert's little black diary. No, I shall never regret Lolita. She was like the composition of a beautiful puzzle-- its composition and its solution at the same time, since one is a mirror view of the other, depending on the way you look. Of course she completely eclipsed my other works-- at least those I wrote in English: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Bend Sinister, my short stories, my book of recollections; but I cannot grudge her this. There is a queer, tender charm about that mythical nymphet. Though many readers and reviewers would disagree that her charm is tender, few would deny that it is queer-- so much so that when director Stanley Kubrick proposed his plan to make a movie of Lolita, you were quoted as saying, "Of course they'll have to change the plot. Perhaps they will make Lolita a...
2. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1971-72 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 17кб.
Часть текста: me in Montreux to film an interview for the Bayeriscber Rundfunk. Of its many topics and themes I have selected a few for reproduction in this volume. The bit about my West European ancestors comes from a carefully executed and beautifully bound Ahnentafel, given me on my seventieth birthday by my German publisher Heinrich Maria Ledig-RowohIt. ON TIME AND ITS TEXTURE We can imagine all kinds of time, such as for example "applied time"-- time applied to events, which we measure by means of clocks and calendars; but those types of time are inevitably tainted by our notion of space, spatial succession, stretches and sections of space. When we speak of the "passage of time," we visualize an abstract river flowing through a generalized landscape. Applied time, measurable illusions of time, are useful for the purposes of historians or physicists, they do not interest me, and they did not interest my creature Van Veen in Part Four of my Ada. He and I in that book attempt to examine the essence of Time, not its lapse. Van mentions the possibility of being "an amateur of Time, an epicure of duration," of being able to delight sensually in the texture of time, "in its stuff and spread, in the fall of its folds, in the very impalpability of its grayish gauze, in the coolness of its...
3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
Входимость: 2. Размер: 42кб.
Часть текста: and formidable future. It was mine, it was part of my hot hairy fist. In a few minutessay, twenty, say half-an-hour, sicher its sicher   as my uncle Gustave used to sayI would let myself into that “342” and find my nymphet, my beauty and bride, imprisoned in her crystal sleep. Jurors! If my happiness could have talked, it would have filled that genteel hotel with a deafening roar. And my only regret today is that I did not quietly deposit key “342” at the office, and leave the town, the country, the continent, the hemisphere,indeed, the globethat very same night. Let me explain. I was not unduly disturbed by her self-accusatory innuendoes. I was still firmly resolved to pursue my policy of sparing her purity by operating only in the stealth of night, only upon a completely anesthetized little nude. Restraint and reverence were still my motto-even if that “purity” (incidentally, thoroughly debunked by modern science) had been slightly damaged through some juvenile erotic experience, no doubt homosexual, at that accursed camp of hers. Of course, in my old-fashioned, old-world way, I, Jean-Jacques Humbert, had taken for granted, when I first met her, that she was as unravished as the stereotypical notion of “normal child” had been since the lamented end of the Ancient World B. C. and its fascinating practices. We are not surrounded in our enlighted era by little slave flowers that can be casually plucked between business and bath as they used to be in the days of the Romans; and we do not, as dignified Orientals did in still more luxurious times, use tiny entertainers fore and aft between the mutton and the rose sherbet. The whole point is that the old link between the adult world and the child world has been completely severed nowadays by new customs and new laws. Despite my having dabbled in psychiatry and social work, I really knew very little about...
4. Комментарии к "Евгению Онегину" Александра Пушкина. Глава шестая. Пункты XXI - XXIX
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Часть текста: моей златые дни?   «Что день грядущiй мне готовитъ?   «Его мой взоръ напрасно ловитъ,   «Въ глубокой мгле таится онъ.   8  «Нетъ нужды; правъ судьбы законъ.   «Паду ли я, стрелой пронзенный,   «Иль мимо пролетитъ она,   «Все благо: бденiя и сна 12  «Приходитъ часъ определенный;   «Благословенъ и день заботъ,   «Благословенъ и тмы приходъ! 1 на случай [= случайно]. «Стихи на случай сохранились». Пушкин не сохранял их так «свято», как он хранил письмо Татьяны (см. коммент. к главе Третьей, XXXI, 1–4). 3 Куда, куда вы удалились. Я предпочел бы повторить возглас, так часто слышимый в английской поэзии семнадцатого и восемнадцатого веков: Джон Коллоп, «Дух, Плоть» (1656): Куда? ах, куда летит моя душа… Томас Флетчер (1692): Куда, любящая душа, ах, куда ты полетишь? Поуп, переделка стихотворения императора Адриана «Душа моя, скиталица…», строка 5: Куда, ах, куда, ты устремляешь свой полет! (В 1713 г. Поуп послал Джону Кэриллу два перевода произведения Адриана; именно во втором из них, начинающемся «Ах, быстро улетающий дух!» и озаглавленном «То же самое другой рукой» — вероятно, другой рукой Поупа, — встречается это ...
5. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
Часть текста: of French literature for English-speaking students. The first volume took me a couple of years during which I put in seldom less than fifteen hours of work daily. As I look back on those days, I see them divided tidily into ample light and narrow shade: the light pertaining to the solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this brother was about to lead an expedition into arctic Canada. I was attached to it as a “recorder of psychic reactions.” With two young botanists and an old carpenter I shared now and then (never very successfully) the favors of one of our nutritionists, a Dr. Anita Johnsonwho was soon flown back, I am glad to say. I had little notion of what object the...
6. L. C. Higcins and N. D. Riley
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Часть текста: a practical necessity. Non-utilitarian science does not thrive in that sad and cagey country; the mild foreign gentleman eager to collect in the steppes will soon catch his net in a tangle of barbed wire, and to work out the distribution of Evers-mann's Orange Tip or the Edda Ringlet would have proved much harder than mapping the moon. The little maps that the Field Guide does supply for the fauna it covers seem seldom to err. I note that the range of the Twin-spot Fritillary and that of the Idas Blue are incorrectly marked, and I think Nogell's Hairstreak, which reaches Romania from the east, should have been included. Among minor shortcomings is the somewhat curt way in which British butterflies are treated (surely the Norfolk race of the Swallowtail, which is so different from the Swedish, should have received more attention). I would say that alder, rather than spruce, characterizes the habitat of Wolfens-berger's and Thor's Fritillaries. I regret that the dreadful nickname "Admiral" is used instead of the old "Admirable." The new vernacular names are well invented-- and, paradoxically, will be more attractive to the expert wishing to avoid taxonomic controversy when indicating a species than to the youngster who will lap up the Latin in a trice. The checklist of species would have been considerably more appealing if the names of authors had not been omitted (a deplorable practice of commercial origin which impairs a number of recent zoological and botanical manuals in America). The choice of important subspecies among the thousands described in the last hundred years is a somewhat subjective matter and cannot be ...
7. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
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Часть текста: principal guidelines for writing, reading, and performing plays. The reader is urged to bear in mind, however, that, later in life, Father might have expressed certain thoughts differently. The lectures were partly in typescript and partly in manuscript, replete with Nabokov's corrections, additions, deletions, occasional slips of the pen, and references to previous and subsequent installments of the course. I have limited myself to what editing seemed necessary for the presentation of the lectures in essay form. If Nabokov had been alive, he might perhaps have performed more radical surgery. He might also have added that the gruesome throes of realistic suicide he finds unacceptable onstage (in "The Tragedy of Tragedy") are now everyday fare on kiddies' TV, while "adult" entertainment has long since outdone all the goriness of the Grand Guignol. He might have observed that the aberrations of theatrical method wherein the illusion of a barrier between stage and audience is shattered - a phenomenon he considered "freakish" - are now commonplace: actors wander and mix; the audience is invited to participate; it is then applauded by the players in a curious reversal of roles made chic by Soviet performers ordered to...
8. Комментарии к "Евгению Онегину" Александра Пушкина. Глава осьмая. Эпиграф, пункты I - IX
Входимость: 1. Размер: 61кб.
Часть текста: and if for ever Still for ever fare thee well. Buron. Начальные строки прославленного, но посредственного стихотворения Байрона «Прости!», которое навеяно его семейными обстоятельствами; впервые напечатано в лондонском «Champion» 14 апр. 1816 г. I   Въ те дни, когда въ садахъ Лицея   Я безмятежно расцветалъ,   Читалъ охотно Апулея,   4  А Цицерона не читалъ,   Въ те дни, въ таинственныхъ долинахъ,   Весной, при кликахъ лебединыхъ,   Близъ водъ, сiявшихъ въ тишине,   8  Являться Муза стала мне.   Моя студенческая келья   Вдругъ озарилась: Муза въ ней   Открыла пиръ младыхъ затей, 12  Воспела детскiя веселья,   И славу нашей старины,   И сердца трепетные сны. 1 В те дни. Следует отметить, что эта первая строфа (как и исключенные строфы, которые следовали за нею), относящаяся к концу 1829 г., начинается той же словесной формулой и той же интонацией, что и стихотворение Пушкина «Демон» (1823), которое я рассматриваю в комментарии к ...
9. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава седьмая. Эпиграфы, пункты I - XX
Входимость: 1. Размер: 66кб.
Часть текста: Как не любить родной Москвы? Баратынский Гоненье на Москву! что значит видеть свет! Где ж лучше? Где нас нет. Грибоедов Первый эпиграф взят из поэмы Дмитриева «Освобождение Москвы» (1795). стихи 11–12. В начальных строках пушкинской «Вольности», наиболее значительной из русских од (сочиненной в 1817 г.): Беги, сокройся от очей, Цитеры слабая царица! — наш поэт слегка переиначил стихи 3–4 ничтожного «Освобождения Москвы» Дмитриева (1613 г. — конец эпохи Смутного времени, освобождение от поляков и самозванцев, когда князь Дмитрий Пожарский разбил литовцев и первый Романов был избран на царство): Не шумны петь хочу забавы, Не сладости цитерских уз. Поэма Дмитриева (162 стиха, написанных четырехстопным ямбом) печально знаменита, кстати, самым чудовищным во всей русской поэзии нагромождением согласных (стих 14): Алмазный скиптр в твоих руках… птрвтв! Второй эпиграф седьмой главы — из «Пиров» Баратынского (1821), стих 52 (см. коммент. к гл. 3, XXX, 1). Третий же взят из грибоедовского «Горя от ума» (законченного в 1824 г.), I, VII, ядовитый упрек Софьи и находчивая реплика Чацкого (см. коммент. к гл. 6, XI, 12). По мере чтения комментария к этой главе читателю станет ясно, почему я полагаю, что Пушкин мог бы поставить и четвертый эпиграф — из «Княгини Натальи Долгорукой» Козлова, ч. II, строфа IV: …Москва видна… Уже в очах Иван Великой; Как жар, венец его горит… «Иван Великий» — название самой высокой колокольни в Москве: «…огромная колокольня Ивана Великого, воздвигнутая в...
10. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
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Часть текста: I   On noticing that Vladimir had vanished,   Onegin, by ennui pursued again,   by Olga's side sank into meditation,   4  pleased with his vengeance.   After him Ólinka yawned too,   sought Lenski with her eyes,   and the endless cotillion   8  irked her like an oppressive dream.   But it has ended. They go in to supper.   The beds are made. Guests are assigned   night lodgings — from the entrance hall 12  even to the maids' quarters. Restful sleep   by all is needed. My Onegin   alone has driven home to sleep. II   All has grown quiet. In the drawing room   the heavy Pustyakov   snores with his heavy better half.   4  Gvozdin, Buyanov, Petushkov,   and Flyanov (who is not quite well)   have bedded in the dining room on chairs,   with, on the floor, Monsieur Triquet   8  in underwaistcoat and old nightcap.   All the young ladies, in Tatiana's   and Olga's rooms, are wrapped in sleep.   Alone, sadly by Dian's beam 12  illumined at the window, poor Tatiana   is not asleep   and gazes out on the dark field. III   With his unlooked-for apparition,   the momentary softness of his eyes,   and odd conduct with Olga,   4  to the depth of her soul   she's penetrated. She is quite unable   to...